Saturday, April 25, 2009

Chickens should be named "weeds"

And that's because they are growing just like 'em!
In the top two pics, the chicks are getting a little taste of the big outdoors
in their "play pen" Jeff made for them.
This makes a portable area for them to run around in,
wherever in the yard we want to have them be. They seem to love it!
The third pic is of Helga, as always very outgoing and curious.
If we put a hand out, she will walk right onto it.
Lastly, me holding Zoe, Daisy, and Helga
who all walked onto my hand and right up my arm.
I have that funny look on my face
because Helga was about to peck my lips. (she's famous for that)
Yeah, I'm officially the "chick mama."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Pics

Hey, yeah. I'm behind on posting our Easter pics. Better late than never, I guess!
Top: Libby with one of her little goodies.
Next: Amelia and Libby with their little Easter purses.
3rd: Everyone coloring Easter Eggs!
Last: everyone (except Coley, who wasn't home) in their finery.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bon Voyage, Nicole!

Okay, she's not going on a boat,
but she is going on a trip
to Sunny CA !!
Here's a shot of her
when we dropped her off
at the high school.
And another of the buses
the Acapella Choir
are riding on.

You know what's funny?
When I went on my own
senior year choir trip (like, forever ago!)
with my parents the entire week.
And I liked it that way. :)
Nicole, on the other hand,
texted me about a dozen times.
And she hasn't even been gone for 24 hours.
I'm sure this is all thanks to cell phones.